Location: Wynn Las Vegas
Date: January 28, 2024 – January 31, 2024

Pabian Partners

End-to-End Acumatica Implementation and Consulting Solutions

Not happy with your current ERP and looking to replace it?

Consider a team that brings meticulous planning, comprehensive data management and careful execution to ensure a seamless transition and the uninterrupted operation of your business processes.

Software Consultation and Needs Assessment
  • Current Tech Stack Analysis

    We conduct thorough analysis of your current software landscape and assess the gaps that can be filled by Acumatica

  • Business Process Evaluation

    We understand your unique business processes, workflows, and operational requirements to identify areas that can benefit from software enhancements or changes.

  • Stakeholder Consultation

    We consult with your key stakeholders, including management, department heads, and end-users to gather insights and understand their specific software needs and pain points.

  • Functional Requirements Gathering

    We document the specific functional requirements that the new software solution must fulfill to streamline operations and improve efficiency within the organization.

  • Technical Requirements Analysis

    We assess the technical infrastructure, hardware capabilities, and IT resources to ensure that the proposed software solution is compatible and can be seamlessly integrated into the existing IT environment.

  • Budget and Resource Constraints

    We consider your budgetary constraints and resource availability to ensure that the proposed software solution aligns with the financial and resource limitations of the business.

  • Future Scalability and Growth

    We anticipate future business growth and scalability requirements to ensure that the Acumatica can accommodate the organization's expanding needs and adapt to evolving market dynamics.

  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation

    We identify potential risks associated with software implementation and usage, and develop mitigation strategies to minimize the impact of any potential challenges or disruptions.

Software Demo
  • Overview of Acumatica Platform

    We provide a comprehensive introduction to the Acumatica ERP system, its core functionalities and the benefits.

  • Customization and Configuration

    We demonstrate the ability to customize and configure the Acumatica software to align with specific business processes and workflows.

  • User Interface and Navigation

    We showcase the user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation within the Acumatica platform, highlighting its ease of use for employees at all levels of the organization.

  • Key Functional Modules

    We explain the various functional modules offered by Acumatica

  • Real-time Reporting and Analytics

    We showcase the robust reporting and analytics capabilities of Acumatica, including real-time data insights and customizable dashboards that provide valuable business intelligence for informed decision-making.

  • Mobile Accessibility

    We demonstrate the accessibility of Acumatica via mobile devices, showcasing its ability to facilitate remote work and enable employees to access critical business information on the go.

  • Integration Capabilities

    We explain the seamless integration capabilities of Acumatica with other software systems and applications commonly used within the client's industry, emphasizing the potential for streamlining operations and improving overall efficiency.

  • Scalability and Flexibility

    We explain how Acumatica can scale with the growth of the business and adapt to evolving business needs, emphasizing its flexibility to accommodate changes and expansions within the organization.

Software Implementation Planning
  • Project Scope Definition

    We define the scope of the ERP implementation project, including the specific modules and functionalities that will be included, as well as any limitations or exclusions.

  • Timeline and Milestone Establishment

    We create a detailed project timeline with clear milestones and deadlines for each phase of the implementation process, allowing for efficient tracking and management of project progress.

  • Resource Allocation

    We identify and allocate the necessary resources, including personnel, budget, and technology, to support the implementation process and ensure its successful execution.

  • Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies

    We conduct a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential challenges and obstacles that may arise during the implementation. We also develop effective mitigation strategies to minimize risks and ensure the project stays on track.

  • Change Management Planning

    We develop a change management plan to prepare your team in transitioning to Acumatica. This involves training, communication strategies, and organizational restructuring to facilitate a smooth adoption of the new system.

  • Data Preparation and Migration Strategy

    We plan the transfer of data from your existing system to Acumatica, ensuring data integrity and security throughout the migration process.

  • Testing and Quality Assurance

    We establish a robust testing plan to thoroughly evaluate the ERP system's functionality and performance before the official implementation. This includes conducting various tests, such as unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing, to identify and resolve any potential issues.

  • Post-Implementation Support Planning

    We create a support plan to address any issues or concerns that may arise after Acumatica has been implemented. This involves establishing protocols for ongoing maintenance, troubleshooting, and support to ensure the continued smooth operation of the system.

System Analysis & Design
  • Based on the system analysis, we design a comprehensive plan for the necessary customizations and configurations that align with your business processes and workflows.

Data Migration
  • Data Assessment and Planning

    a. We evaluate the data structure of the current ERP system and identify the data that needs to be migrated to Acumatica.
    b. We analyze the quality of the data, identifying any inconsistencies, redundancies, or errors that need to be resolved before migration.

  • Data Mapping

    We map the data fields from the existing ERP system to the corresponding fields in Acumatica. Ensure that the data is correctly mapped to the appropriate modules and entities within Acumatica.

  • Data Extraction

    We extract the relevant data from the current ERP system and convert it into a suitable format that is compatible with Acumatica's data structure and requirements.

  • Data Loading and Migration

    We load the data into Acumatica using appropriate migration tools and techniques and verify the integrity and accuracy of the migrated data

  • Integration and Testing

    a. We integrate the migrated data with other systems or modules within Acumatica to ensure smooth functioning and data consistency across the platform.
    b. Conduct thorough testing to validate the accuracy and reliability of the migrated data, performing data reconciliation and verification checks to identify any discrepancies or errors.

  • Data Validation and Quality Assurance

    a. We validate the migrated data against predefined criteria and business rules to ensure that the data meets the required quality standards
    b. We perform quality assurance checks to verify that the migrated data is consistent, complete, and accurate for effective use within Acumatica.
    c. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): We conduct user acceptance testing, allowing key stakeholders and end-users to test the customized features and provide feedback to ensure that the customizations meet their expectations and requirements.

Software Training
  • Training and Knowledge Transfer

    We provide comprehensive training to your team, educating them on how to effectively use the features. This includes providing documentation, resources for ongoing support and knowledge transfer.

Post-Implementation Support
  • We ensure smooth functioning of the system after the data migration and deployment by providing ongoing post-implementation support and maintenance to address any issues or concerns that may arise

System Upgrades, Maintenance & Performance Monitoring
  • We perform software updates, version upgrades, database maintenance, backup and recovery, performance monitoring, configuration updates, integration management, compliance checks, performance testing, gather feedback to make sure your ERP remains up-to-date and meets the evolving needs of your organization.

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